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    Cochlear implants and car seat

    Has anyone had success with CI's in the car seat? Our daughters falls off. Best seat for this?
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    Need help deciding on a seat 2.5 year old with Down syndrome

    My little girl is 2.5 years old with Down syndrome, hypotonia, CAVC repair, profound bilateral deafness, and vasomotor instability. She is 21 pounds and 28 inches tall. We have a britax marathon and Graco all in one. We were advised to FF her due to her deafness and her vaso motor instability...
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    Do I need to replace it?

    We were in a VERY Minor car accident yesterday in our Ford E-150 passenger van. Our daughter (2.5 years old and 21 pounds) was in her britax marathon. She was sitting in the first row seat behind the driver. A car merged with us and scraped our car with their passenger side mirror on our drivers...
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    7 month old with no head control help!!!

    Our daughter is now 7 months old, is 14 pounds 8 ounces and 23.5 inches. She has absolutely no head control and is very floppy. If we attempt to sit her on our laps at any type of incline she screams and pushes herself flat. She also has a slew of medical issues including Down syndrome...

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