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  1. crunchierthanthou

    NBD January 2014

    this week's code is NEWYEAR for 14% off site wide. (expires 01/11) Is $202 shipped, good price for a Nextfit? I'm torn. I've been meaning to use a Radian for the baby (still in a B-Safe), but I also never loved the Radian for anything but width...
  2. crunchierthanthou

    Bob Rev SE 40% off on Amazon 1/7

    They're the deal of the day. Single ($270) and Duallie ($400), several colors-
  3. crunchierthanthou

    Snowberry Foonf $322 at Amazon

    sold by Amazon, so free returns: Clek Foonf 2013 Convertible Child Seat, Snowberry: Baby all the other colors are still around $400.
  4. crunchierthanthou

    Target clearance Jan 2014

    My Target has started marking down the baby dept. I thought I'd start a thread to help us track it through the next month. Historically, the best deals have been found mid-late January. Bubble Bum (both colors) $27.98 Harmony Cruz $11.88 Also an assortment of Dorel seats and a rear adjust...
  5. crunchierthanthou

    Britax Pavilion Lightning Deal 11/26

    Blueprint pattern, coming up at 1 PM PST, currently at $237- Britax Pavilion 70-G3 Convertible Car Seat Seat, Blueprint: Baby last week the tan one went down to $190. That's a steal. a link to all Lightning Deals- Gold Box Deals | Today's Deals -
  6. crunchierthanthou

    Combi Kobuk booster $14.83 at wayfair It says 30+ in stock.
  7. crunchierthanthou

    Britax tan organic carrier $19 at Wayfair

    looks like overstock, with lots in stock (20+ available right now). YMMV in that it might be a pricing error, but Wayfair is generally pretty good about honoring their prices. :D:D I would expect intact UPCs since it's...
  8. crunchierthanthou

    Magic Beans 31 Days of Giveaways 2013

    It's July again. :) They're kicking it off with three Radian GTX seats.
  9. crunchierthanthou

    Britax convertible wiggle in base

    I'm pretty sure I've seen something about this before, but didn't have luck in my quick search. Can someone point me to information about it? I'm trying to help a friend, but am super busy today.
  10. crunchierthanthou

    Britax Free Ride Event

    It's that time of year. :) Amazon has the B-Ready for $350-$375. Then you can choose a B-safe, second seat, or bassinet for free. B-Readys- (look at the wheels...
  11. crunchierthanthou

    BJCMGT $279 at Albee

    only Shadow/Bamboo (the uh, ugly one).
  12. crunchierthanthou

    4 wheeled City Mini single?

    I saw this tonight. Has anyone heard anything? My guess is it's to compete with the Bob Motion (essentially a 4 wheeled B-Agile). eta: Thinking about where I saw it- I assume it was announced at ABC Spring this week.
  13. crunchierthanthou

    RA55 $140 on Amazon Britax Roundabout 55 Convertible Car Seat, Silverlake: Baby not their best price ever, but not bad if you're in the market.
  14. crunchierthanthou

    15% off Baby Jogger

    at joggermom. Use code 15MOM2013 It makes the new Summit X3 $365. The Summit XC and Elite are $340. The Mini is $212. Free shipping. :) I'm not sure whether it works with other brands.
  15. crunchierthanthou

    2012 B-Ready $225 on Wayfair

    Red only, 19 currently in stock-
  16. crunchierthanthou

    Radians on sale at Amazon

    Stone R100 $180 Diono RadianR100 Convertible Car Seat, Stone: Baby Shadow, Spring, and Storm RXT $240 Diono Radian RXT Convertible Car Seat, Storm: Baby
  17. crunchierthanthou

    lightweight travel crib (P&T, Baby Bjorn...)

    anyone have feedback on these? We're taking a long trip this summer. I need something that is light and doesn't take much space (ideally to fit inside other luggage).
  18. crunchierthanthou

    Britax Frontier 90 and Pinnacle 90 instruction manuals posted!

    Pinnacle 90 User Guide - Frontier 90 User Guide -
  19. crunchierthanthou

    FR85 $185.74 on Wayfair

    Canyon only

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