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    Excel file with all carseat data?

    There used to be a downloadable excel file with all sorts of carseat data that I could sort through easily. Is that still available here?
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    Easiest infant seat to pop in and out of backseat

    We own a 2-door scion tc. What infant seat is the easiest to pop in and out of the base when you can't climb or reach far into the back seat? I hope that makes sense. I'm hoping there's a seat we can release without having to reach down low by the base. We can't get into the backseat because my...
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    Butt grooves in backseat

    So we have a scion tC and there is limited backseat space. The "butt indentations" in the seat design are making it hard to fit three across. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I feel like it would be SO much easier to fit the carseats if the entire back row was completely level, like a...
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    Choosing an infant bucket seat

    I definitely want to try an infant bucket seat with #2. I have no idea where to begin. I have back and hip problems, so the lighter seat the better but I also want the seat to be really comfy for baby. Graco bucket seats seem light to me, but not so comfy inside. Any advice?
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    Question What's a *VERY* comfortable seat?

    I'm looking to buy a seat that is FF 5-point-harness-to-booster seat for my son. It doesn't necessarily HAVE to be RF. I'm really interested in something that is very comfortable, not just for sitting but sleeping as well, since he does a lot of that in the car.
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    Question Rethreading 5 pt harness on jogging stroller (moved to Shopping/Strollers from Carseat Chat)

    Can I ask this here? I was given an old Eddie Bauer jogging stroller that didn't have any of the safety straps. So my ILs bought new 5 pt harness safety straps but I have no idea how to assemble them correctly.
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    Combi Coccoro slipping

    We LOVE our ccc and it's the perfect fit in our Corolla. But... I have to regularly (monthly or so?) check that it's not loose. It tends to slip forward (when rf'ing) so that it's no longer level with the ground like it's supposed to be. Does that make sense? Is this normal? I use the LATCH...
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    Question Peg-Perego in a Corolla?

    Has anyone tried fitting the Peg-Perego Primo Viaggio Convertible in a Corolla (we have a 2001)? I'm loving the features of the Peg-Perego. Our son is already 20+ pounds and 28 inches at only 6 months. We have big, tall men in our family and it's looking like our son will take after them...
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    Question Combi Coccoro vs. Evenflo Tribute in Corolla

    We own a 2001 Corolla and we don't have any stores in our area that sell these carseats, so we can't walk in somewhere to get a visual... Any advice on how either of these two carseats fit RF in a Corolla, or is there a better choice? I guess my first priority is to save space since we will...

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