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    '99 Accord rear head support & MyFit questions

    Hi, we are thinking of looking at a '99 Accord as a secondary vehicle that will likely transition to being my son's first vehicle. I see online that the photos show no headrests in the back, only seats that are flared at the top. Does anyone have photos of these seats in use by an adult, or...
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    2008 F350 Supercab & 2005 Odyssey high slot harness options? Also MyFit, Defender, Grow With You for stocky kids?

    Thank you for the feedback! I think I've eliminated the Britax for the above reasons, and the lower standing height limit. Do you have any info as to the hip and shoulder room on the Defender vs MyFit, as well as seat pan depth? Are they both comfortable for older kids to sit cross legged or...
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    2008 F350 Supercab & 2005 Odyssey high slot harness options? Also MyFit, Defender, Grow With You for stocky kids?

    Hi, I'm looking for feedback on installation compatibility and ease of install for high slot, high weight limit harness seats because I have to order online without trying. I'm in Canada. Also looking for feedback on the general comfort and use features of these seats, as well as the fit for...
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    Safest minivan 1999-2004? On a budget

    We're looking at getting a minivan to allow for more seating space but don't have a large budget, so looking at older models, likely 2001-2003 but considering 1999-2004ish, depending what we find. Any recommendations for vans with good safety ratings in that range, as well as models to steer...
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    Looking for comparison photos of Frontier/Pinnacle (booster) and Parkway, and fit in Intrepid

    Hi, I am hoping someone has some side-by-side comparison photos of a 2014 Frontier/Pinnacle and a 2015 Parkway as well as, ideally, information on successful or unsuccessful use in a 2001/2002 Chrysler/Dodge Intrepid. Specifically, I'm looking to see if the buckle stalks in the Intrepid are too...
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    Chevrolet Venture

    We've been considering getting a van because it would be really nice to have the option of taking passengers sometimes. Vans are generally way out of our price range but a friend just offered to sell us their 2004 Chevy Venture for a very good price. I was pretty excited until I searched on here...
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    Question Buckle position questions

    I was re-reading my Diono RXT manual recently and saw that it requires that any child over 30 lbs have their RXT buckle positioned in the furthest slot away from their body. Why is this? For under 30 lbs it specifies to use the slot which causes the buckle strap to be in line under the buckle...
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    Question Install check, please. Unsure if this gap is allowed?

    I am trying to install our new Britax Pinnacle in our 2001 Chrysler Intrepid with vehicle belt; no UAS available and DS would be over-weight anyway. We have frustratingly long buckle stalks and I am unsure if the install I did is considered safe. I will upload a couple videos to better show our...
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    Are there any ClickTight incompatibilities? What about long buckle stalks? Has anyone installed in an Intrepid?

    I'm wondering if anyone has found the Britax ClickTight install to be incompatible with any vehicles, specifically the Frontier CT/90 or Pinnacle CT/90? I had posted a thread some time ago asking if anyone had experience installing in a 2001 Chrysler/Dodge Intrepid or any other vehicles with...
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    Are you supposed to lock the seatbelt with a HBB?

    A friend of mine just switched her twins from Radians into Diono boosters (Monterey, I think?) and she said she has been locking the seatbelts and retracting them until snug around them. I thought you were NOT supposed to lock the belt, though, because the booster just "boosts" the child up and...
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    Question Trying to understand FF vs. HBB safety info. Please help me understand.

    Hi! I am confused about what I have heard in regard to the theoretical risk/benefit of continuing to FF versus moving to a booster after the child is over 40 lbs and able to maintain position appropriately at all times. I realize that there is no actual test data and they are all theoretical...
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    Is Britax ClickTight compatible with long buckle stalks?

    ETA: There is nowhere nearby that I can try a Frontier/Pinnacle and am unsure if it will be compatible with my seatbelts, since we have long buckle stalks that have proved to be difficult with some other CRs. Does anyone have experience installing a ClickTight seat with long buckle stalks...
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    Is there a safe way to car mount my iPhone?

    I'm looking for a device that will safely mount my iPhone on my car's dashboard, so that I can easily glance at the map when using the navigation feature. Is there any such a device that will prevent my iPhone from being a projectile, or that will itself not become a projectile, in the event of...
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    Question Harness vs. Booster, moving up from Radian to Frontier?

    I recently turned my son's RXT FF when he outgrew the weight limit RF. Now I'm realizing that he seems to be quite close to the FF harnessed limit as well, after having to raise the harness up a slot to raise the straps above his shoulders. So, my first question is, how do I tell for sure how...
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    Question Lap only locking latchplate question

    If my lap only bulky locking latchplate doesn't appear to have the 1/4" non-perpendicular overlap required to lock the belt in place, but the belt doesn't budge when tested, even with significant attempts side-to-side and twisting near the top of the restraint, is it an adequate install? Or is...
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    Question Which is safer? RF in front seat or FF in back seat?

    Just what the title says :) RF in front seat would be with passenger airbag turned off, of course. Specifics that may or may not make a difference: Vehicle in question is a '93 extended cab Dodge Dakota pickup truck we are considering buying as our secondary vehicle CR #1 is a Diono RXT RF...
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    Question '99 Dodge Dakota extended cab install/carseat questions

    ETA: It's a '99 Dodge Dakota, not a '93 In another post I asked about installing Diono RXTs in the back seat of a '93 Dodge Dakota Extended Cab we are considering buying. The only response came from someone who told me that it was impossible due to the crack in the seat but didn't elaborate as...
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    Question General and specific Qs re: installing carseats in a truck (Diono RXT in Dodge Dakota)

    Hi all, helpful forum! :happy-wavehello: We are thinking of buying a Dodge Dakota extended cab ('93 I think) from a friend. I haven't actually seen it yet and am not sure if I will get a chance before DH decides on it. He is going to try the RXTs in it but he is not as concerned with carseat...
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    Question Urgent seatbelt tension question

    Okay quick copy and paste because I am in a very big rush to get this answered. So it won't make entirely great sense without my previous thread but, basically, I am trying to see if I should buy a 2001 Chrysler Intrepid. Tried installing our car seats and have a question about seat belt...
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    Question RXT install 2001 Chrysler Intrepid L/S locking plate

    We are thinking of buying a 2001 Chrysler Intrepid from DH's grandma but need it to work with our Diono RXT carseats. Can someone walk me through the install and/or point me to links? Details I know are: Both RXTs are RFing No LATCH Seatbelts don't lock What else do you need to know? I have...

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