Search results

  1. M

    Car seat recs needed for Jeep Compass 2021

    Hi all, I’m a former car seat tech and used to be a regular on this board. It’s been a while. I’m hoping to get some help to pick seats for my brother. Because he’s abroad, I can’t readily test seats on his car. I have to bring them to him and hope it works. He has a 17 month old DD (30” and...
  2. M

    Please help me sit my 5 kids in Q7 (and should I trade for Odyssey or giant SUV)

    Hi ladies, It's nice to be back here after so long. I used to be an active member here and also a CSPT (will update signature and avatar asap to reflect I'm no longer certified) but divorce and new full time job got in the way and I've been gone a while. I would really appreciate any input from...
  3. M

    For Sale Beco Soleil carrier plus infant insert brand new in box $110

    He color is Luca black. I have two boxes the carrier and the infant insert. Never used. Brand new.
  4. M

    For Sale Peg Perego convertible 5-70 brand new with tags $290

    Black PP convertible never used, brand new with tags. DOM June 2013
  5. M

    For Sale NEW Peg Perego primo viaggio convertible black

    New with tags on!! Never used! DOM June 2013 I'm in love with this seat but really can't justify another convertible right now, I'm turning youngest DS FF. Would prefer to sell locally for $320 (Los Angeles) but we can figure out shipping costs too. I don't have the original box but tags...
  6. M

    Anyone seen this car sleep pillow thing?

    I came across this on twitter. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. It falls under the category of they-are-selling-some-aftermarket-contraption-what-can-we-do-about-it
  7. M

    Britax Roundabout 55 Onyx

    Checking interest. DOM 9/2011. Make me an offer if you are interested.
  8. M

    In Search Of Cybex xfix

    Anyone wants to sell me theirs? Figures the only booster dd fits well in and loves is the one that got discontinued... And if anyone knows if they still sell them in another country please lmk! Thanks!
  9. M

    FF seat for 2012 bmw x6 - headrest issue

    I tried installing an old style Britax MA FF in a BMW x6 and it was a no go. I checked the manual and all headrests in the back seat are not adjustable or removable. It pushed the top of the britax forward in a way that most of the base wasn't in contact with the seat bottom unless I moved it...
  10. M

    WWYD - RF a week past expiration or ff?

    Petite 3yo who normally rear faces needs a seat while vacationing with grandparents. Seat choices are MA that expires dec 31 or ff only seat. The vacation goes into the first week of January. Wwyd for your own child?
  11. M

    For Sale NIB clek oobr snowberry $230

    Local only los angeles! I just bought this on sale cyber Friday. Still has tags on, never left my house. I can't keep it and the store will deduct return shipping so I thought i'd see if anyone local wants it!
  12. M

    DD hates the feel of Oobr fabric!!! Now what??

    I knew it as soon as I opened the box and felt the fabric, that she wasn't gonna like it it! It was so sad she was so excited when she saw her new pink booster but when she touched it she sad it was prickly, she sat on the it but I barely got her to sit in it for long enough to check belt fit...
  13. M

    Airplane with almost 6yo - use harness or bring booster?

    Here's my dilemma! Dd started using a booster a few weeks ago, full time now. (38lbs without clothes, I'm guessing dressed and with shoes she hits 40). She's in a cybex and loves it. So much so that now she hates riding in her frontier or radian. Especially in the radian she says the straps are...
  14. M

    Price Check FR85 SICT in Onyx - any interest?

    DOM should be around September 2011 but I will check exactly in the morning. For months it was used as a back up only and it's in excellent condition. Dd is begging to be boostered in my car too so I'm gonna get a oobr and the fr is just too nice to be a spare for playdates! I'm in Southern CA...
  15. M

    Best deal on oobr?

    Haven't found anything better than 199 for tr black and 299 for strawberry. I know dd would love the pink but I can't being myself to spend an extra 100 just to choose the color. Also anyone knows if they offer a tech discount? Thanks!
  16. M

    Monterrey in 3rd row 12 odyssey outboard

    Hi, My friend needs to buy a booster ASAP and I'm wondering if the Monterrey is one of her options. Her dd will go on the third row outboard of a new generation odyssey. It's the same car I have but I don't have a Monterrey to try. I'm wondering if it puzzles with the headrest, I'm not...
  17. M

    In Search Of Radian xtsl cover non-mesh

    I have a SK radian xt and I'm sick of the mesh. I don't know if the diono covers work but if so I love the shadow cover that's my favorite kind of cover. But I'll consider any cover, any color!
  18. M

    booster 3rd row of '12 Odyssey?

    What am I supposed to do with the weird headrests? Remove them, or raise them? And do I definitely need a booster that doesn't require head rest support? Thanks!
  19. M

    Question booster for 5.5yo petite girl? If so, which one?

    HI everyone, I'm a tech but have almost no experience with boosters. My dd RFed until 4.5 and for a year now has been FFing in a frontier 85 in my car and a radian xt on dh's car. She's not outgrowing either seat but I'm thinking of putting her in a booster. The whole neck thing freaks me out...
  20. M

    For Sale Babyjogger city classic

    Color is black/sand. 2009 model. Great condition, didnt use it much. I also have a toddler jump seat with canopy. Was thinking 300 for all of it. I can upload pictures.

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