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  1. M

    FP seats

    NOt sure if anyone has an update. When are the FP seats supposed to be out?
  2. M

    Congrats Darren!!!

    Darren- Congrats on baby number 3! I bet your two children are pretty excited about it. my oldest is about the same age as your daughter, and she is a little "mommy" to our 6 month old.
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    star riser

    Does this come backless or do you have to buy the one with the back? Is this the most narrow backless booster? My sister is trying to get 5 seats in a 03 Sienna. Twins in snugrides will be in the captain chairs. My almost 2 year old niece is currently in one of my FPSEs, but will probably move...
  4. M

    Snug Ride Harness Height

    I just measured DD3. She is about 24.5 inches and 5 months old. Only about 13 lbs. In the snugride I have the harness through the lower slots. They are 1.75 inches below her shoulders. The top slots are 1/2 inch above her shoulders. The manual is completely unclear when to switch to the top...
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    new Britax Booster

    Julie mentioned this somewhere...Anyone know anything about it? I really have to decide what I am going to do with DD1 in DHs car. She has been at 40 lbs for months now and still using the harness on her Next Step...
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    Any significance to this?

    I waslooking at CR ratings, and saw this aout the Marathon "In rear-facing crash tests LATCH attached and 33-lb. dummy, backrest reclined too much. Belt-attached seat developed a crack." What is the significance of a backrest reclining too much? Is the danger that the child will ramp up too...
  7. M

    new seats at target

    I was at Target this am and saw a new "Flower Power" TB-so cute! It was denim and a flower print. It was one of the less padded models without padded armrests, so I wouldn't want it-still though very cute for a little girl, and more mature than say the girly princess one. I also say a Big Kid...
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    Anyone seen the new Safety first seat?

    I was in Walmart on SUnday buying diapers when a car seat started talking to me as I passed it. I am not kidding-the display actually seemed to be activated by my walking by and it started to tell me about this new all in one seat. It looked pretty cool. I forget the name, but it started with an...
  9. M

    Phase vs. discomfort

    26 month old DD (28 lb, 36 inches) has been happily riding RFing in her Wizard for about 1 year. Lately she cries everytime we get in the car saying she wants her seat in the back row FFing next to her sister. She keeps saying she doesn't like her seat the way it is. I am beginning to think she...
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    FYI-Older Roundabouts

    From under "customer support" then FAQ's" then "Roundabout" Q. What is the weight capacity for the Roundabout child restraint? A. Refer to the owner's manual and labels located on the child restraint. Current production is certified up to 33 lbs. rear facing and 40...
  11. M

    RF/reclined captain chair

    I went to a car seat check today to have the infant seat checked. Yes, I am a bit anal, but I like to have all my seats checked :) The infant seat was fine, and I declined having the Wizards checked, since they were checked before. Anyway, the RFing 2 year old brought up much discussion, and...
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    backless boosters-graco vs. evenflo

    I need to pick up an "emergency" no back booster. I was going to get the cosco one for $15 at Walmart, but I think it is a bit on the narrow side. It also is not very padded at all, so it will either be the graco or evenflo, which only cost a few more $$. I like the way the evenflo arm rests...
  13. M

    Don't you just wish...

    there was a way to educate pediatricians on car seat issues? DD2 turned 2, and we went for her check-up. Walked in with doctor from parking lot. She noticed her rear-facing and said that she should be FF since there is no benefit to being RFing at this age. I played kind of dumb and said, "Oh...
  14. M

    oh the trauma...

    DD is 3 years 10 months and going through a growth spurt. She was 38 lbs today. I can't beleive that by fall she will be riding in a booster in DH's car.... THis is worse than Darren turning his DD forward facing :)
  15. M


    So I know that it is not recommended to install a booster using LATCH (I understand the 48 lb weight limit on the lower anchors) but I wonder if there is a rationale for not tethering them. I ask because I read that one of the advantages of the Body Guard is that the lock offs keep the booster...
  16. M

    BG in a 3 across situation...

    My oldest is about 37 lbs now, so I anticipate having to get her a booster for DH's car soon. It will be either a TB or a BG. (Someone posted on another board that BRU may be clearanceing BGs so I may pick one up soon. )I would prefer the BG since she is outboard, but for those with the BG do...
  17. M

    Cosco backless booster

    Do you think this is a good "emergency use" booster? The other day, at the last minute my sister called for me to pick up my 5 year old nephew from school. He is 55 lbs or so, but since this was an unplanned pick up by me I had no spare seat for him. My sister and I live within a few houses of...
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    RF FF what whould you do?

    I have read in so many places how the FPSE is so short compared to the RA and kids will last longer in the RA RF. I can see it FF since the shoulders can be above the top slots...but rear-facing my 21 month old has no extra room in the RA. Her shoulders were a bit more than 2 inches above the...
  19. M

    New Cosco booster?

    I was at Walmart today and they had the Graco Turbo Booster, Evenflo Big Kid and another booster that was similar in design, but said cosco on it. Anyone know anything about it? I couldn't find it on the Cosco website...It looked more similar to the Big kid than the Turbo, but was wider at the...
  20. M

    FF in one car, RF in another

    Well the time has come when DD2 has outgrown her FPSE rear-facing. She is 34 inches, and her head is almost to the top of the shell. If I put her FFing in DHs car, is she going to care that she is RFing >90% of the time in the minivan? I hope not! Even though she is 21 months, she still is...

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