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    Hyundai Tucson?

    How impossible would it be to squeeze 2 boosters and a convertible in the backseat in a pinch? We need something AWD that actually fits 3 in the second row but we really don’t want a big or pricey SUV. Any other recommendations?
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    Wide booster?

    My 10yo no longer fits hipwise in our parkway or kidfit. The lap belt is too high on her in the incognito. The connext still works, but we need a second booster for her, and the connext is discontinued, right? Today we tried the harmony at walmart and the Cosco pronto but both of those were too...
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    How to ship a Coccoro?

    I'm not having good feelings reselling locally but I don't want to list it elsewhere if I haven't figured out how to package and ship it. It's 1 CCO with 2 covers. Thanks for any help!
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    3-across booster question

    This pertains to nbbs in particular. We have a summer trip coming up that will involve car seat shuffle that no one is particularly thrilled about. We are waking up very early to fly cross-country then renting a minivan to drive 3 highway hours to our destination. I'm taking a radian to forward...
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    Back plate on coccoro

    How important is it? I'll be flying with a coccoro this summer and am unsure if I should leave it on or leave it home. It falls off so easily and I would hate to lose it (we will bring the coccoro on the plane, off the plane, on the plane, etc, to the rental car, amid the hustle and bustle of...
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    Where are the folding travel boosters?

    Am I missing something? They all seem to be discontinued? Posted via Mobile Device
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    Preferred choice of two scenarios?

    We're contemplating summer travel so I'm already weighing car seat decisions. Would you be more comfortable with a 3yo ffing (for the first time) in a coccoro or a 7yo in a backless booster for the first time (probably a bubblebum)? The driving in question would be a few hours of highway. And...
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    Safeguard clip for a vehicle seat

    What do you think? It had never occurred to me but my 12yo (who 4.5 steps :)) wishes it existed so she wouldn't have to wait on growing a butt to 5-step. I don't mean frankensteining a britax clip, but do you think car manufacturers should look into it? I wonder what the crash test results would...
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    2 boosters next to each other

    I am uncomfortable putting a backless booster next to a high back booster or forward facing harnessed seat. I have imagined fears of the backless booster rider's head hitting the side of the cr next to it. So I have avoided that. But now my oldest is too tall for high back boosters and my...
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    Question Pic of grape coccoro?

    I heard there was a picture of the new grape coccoro on Facebook. I'm one of the six people on the internet that aren't on Facebook so I was hoping someone here could help me get my fix. Pretty please?
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    Graco Connext belt guide question

    I have 2 Graco Connext in the 3rd row of my 2007 Mazda5. The shoulder belt in the 3rd row of pre-2009 Mazda5's is not ideal. It is placed quite a distance in front of the passenger. It doesn't even touch my chest when I'm seated there. I was hoping using the belt guides of the Graco Connexts...
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    2015 Kia Sedona speculation

    Any chance will be visiting NY auto show and can give us the details?
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    Child restraints and embarrassment

    I'm feeling off today so please excuse my lack of self-restraint but I've always been taken aback on these boards when I read about kids being embarrassed about their car seats and so few people (if any) speak up to say "don't be." I'm excited about the Incognito too but do we have to hail it as...
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    Question How would you say Connexts?

    We bought two Graco Connexts this weekend and can't come up with a good plural of the name. "Connexts" leaves my tongue tittering like those monkeys in Caps For Sale. My dh thinks "Connexus" is cool. The kids are all for "Connexti" but it's not a Greek root, people! What would you call them?
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    Mazda5 and Turbobooster safety surround

    I seem to recall the regular Turbobooster works well with the wonky shoulder belts of the pre-2009 Mazda5's 3rd row. Does anyone know if the new one with safety surround does? Thanks!
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    My 6yo fits rfing in the nextfit

    I just think that's awesome because he's already outgrown the radian rfing AND the nextfit takes up less front-to-back room. He wants to flip back but he's just a hair's breadth under the limit... and he's 6yo ;)... so I'll leave him ffing. To be fair if I had added the angle adjuster to get a...
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    Radian ratcheting problem

    I turned my Radian rearfacing again after several months of forward facing. In the past I had always tightened and loosened rfing because that worked best for us. We found tightening to be more difficult ffing so we left it as was and just wiggled the kid into the straps. Now I need to loosen...
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    key lime coccoro on amazon $135

    Only $135.99. Lowest price I have ever seen it. Combi Cocorro Lightweight Convertible Car Seat, Keylime: Baby
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    Klutz extra supplies 30% off

    Use code JAN30. Limit 10. Expires on the 21st, I believe.
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    Where/when to buy Frontier90 zebra?

    It has been several months and I keep coming back to this seat. Also, I'm actually going to need a new seat in the near future so I guess I can allow myself to buy one! But I need to spend as little as possible (of course) (but I do really need to) (for actual money's sake) (and not just...

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