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  1. agave

    Free Free covers

    I have a very lightly used Recaro Midnight booster cover and a grey Meastro cover I need to get out of my closet. I can send pictures on request. Free if you pay shipping.
  2. agave

    Three boosters in a Mazda CX-5

    I'd like to be able to squeeze my nephew in my car next week if possible he's 10 and tall. N is 9 4'3" E is 7 1/2 and 4' I also would like to Transport an occasional friend. I have several of the Walmart harmony boosters, an incognito that N needs to grow a little to fit in and willing to buy...
  3. agave

    Question Incognito fit check

    She's 9yrs 4' 3" and 59 lbs barefoot in shorts. My plan is to let her ride in it just before 4th grade starts in August. She wants to ride in it now! I'm a little worried about the gap where she doesn't quite reach the seat back.
  4. agave

    Question What is Geico's policy for replacing unoccupied boosters?

    DH was rear ended today with 2 empty boosters. He was car 2 in a 4 car chain. He didn't mention the boosters to the insurance company because they where empty. One of them was also in a minor deer hit so I'm ready to replace them he doesn't think we should worry about it.
  5. agave

    Boosters for 2012ish mustang

    In the spring my MIL will be our neighbor and likely driving the kids around. They will be 6 & 7 currently they are 40 & 48 lbs not sure on heights but on the short side. I need something that will work in her car. Sent from my MotoE2(4G-LTE) using Tapatalk
  6. agave

    Vent Yesterday my kid's bus had a blowout.

    Front tire completely shredded, no one was hurt. Some parents got phone calls and picked up their kids. Only clue I had as to why the bus was running late was a twitter post. The bus driver that brought them home told me what happened. Sent from my MotoE2(4G-LTE) using Tapatalk
  7. agave

    Seats in a mid 90's Truck

    I am giving a Maestro and a Big Kid Sport booster to my cousin for her 3 and 5 year old, I don't think they have any seats at all, I have not met the kids but I've been told they are a little smaller than mine. Their main ride will likely be my uncle's truck which I think is a '94 extended cab...
  8. agave

    Sleeping in a booster

    Yesterday was my 5 yr old's longest ride in a booster, about 140 miles round trip and her first time sleeping in one. It was also the first time this booster has been used. I tried moving the head rest down but it put the shoulder belt too far out. From the pictures do you think she's OK...
  9. agave

    Car seat shuffle and booster question.

    I am going to give my Maestro and an Evenflo booster to my cousin's 3 and 5 year olds that do not have seats. My parents will probably pick up the kids when she has surgery so I can make sure they are properly installed for the trip, they will probably end up in a older pickup with a cramped...
  10. agave

    Price Check Checking interest Frontier 85

    I have two Livia and Maui DOM Spring 2011. I need to sell one locally. I don't have a box. I am going to wash the covers after Thanksgiving. My youngest is 5 and starting the gradual transition to a booster it's time to make room in the closet. Is anyone in Central Texas interested and what is...
  11. agave

    My 4 year old is asking to ride in a booster when she turns 5.

    I was hoping she'd forgotten that's when her sister made the switch. Her impulse cotrol still needs a lot of work and she loves to pull on seatbelts so she can listen to them retract. I'm willing to let her try it out slowly and we are talking about the rules. Maybe she won't like it, she did...
  12. agave

    Question I need a video to show a 7 yr old about the importance of boosters.

    My nephew has been teased about still being in a carseat (Parkway) by his 6 year old cousin. He loves to know how things work and is very mechanically inclined he is also insanely stubborn when he knows he's right. So, I think if I can show him what it does he won't be as bothered by the...
  13. agave

    Question If you had a choice between

    Well, I know where my 4 yr old will not be riding.
  14. agave

    Question If you had a choice between

    Your 6 yr old riding in a Monterrey with no head support from the vehicle seat but great belt fit or in a Evenflo Big Kid Sport with just OK lap belt fit which would you pick?
  15. agave

    Question Why do cartoons skip the lap belt?

    Just saw Curious George with a shoulder belt across his neck, with no lap belt at all.
  16. agave

    Seat put marks on headrest

    Has anyone else had a Monterrey do this to a head rest?
  17. agave

    3 across in a '08 Escape.

    Tomorrow I need to put 2 seats in my Mom's Escape for my 4 and 5 yr olds. 4 yr old will be in a FF Roundabout 50 and I have a Big Kid Sport or a backless Turbo for my 5 almost 6 yr old. They will also need to squeeze a 10 yr old back there. I have no clue if she 5 steps but she hasn't been in a...
  18. agave

    I'm glad i have a spare booster.

    Today I had an extra kid sprung on me with no warning. 6 yr old was dropped off without a booster. I get to take her home. I know she normally rides in one but I guess they weren't worried about the 4 mile drive home.
  19. agave

    Combi Kobuk local trade for

    Evenflo, Turbobooster or other booster that does not require vehicle head support. Need boy or neutral colors. It's black and still has tags. Local can be anywhere between Austin and Bryan/College Station. I'll get pictures and DOM if anyone is interested.
  20. agave

    Question What boosters work in a 2012 Mustang?

    My MIL may be moving near us soon which will probably be a combination of extremely convenient and incredibly annoying. So if she moves she'll be crazy close to the school and will likely be picking up some days. The back seats look like two sink holes, how does that effect booster fit? I may...

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