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    News NTSB Workshop on Rear Seat Safety

    The National Transportation Safety Board (US) has released a summary of a workshop that it held in 2016 on the issue of rear seat safety. The workshop addresses a number of issues related to carseat/booster fit, as well as more general issues related to safety of rear seat occupants. As has...
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    NHTSA update on CRS use Although the focus is booster seats, there are some interesting statistics about all ages and a particular focus on "premature graduation." Findings are based on direct observational studies with a representative sample. Comparing 2013 with 2011...
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    NHTSA on School Bus Safety

    NHTSA's most recent newsletter is all about school bus safety. Although there are some acknowledged limitations in trying to compare safety across modes of travel, one does come away with the impression that school buses really are an incredibly safe form of student transportation...
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    New report on seatbelt usage

    Iowa DOT has an interesting report on seatbelt laws, particularly with respect to the back seat. Many of the findings will be "old news" to people in the CPS community, but it is always...
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    Lexus RX350

    My mother-in-law is considering a late-model used (probably 2012) RX350, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks or concerns about this vehicle from a carseat perspective. I read some old threads and it sounded like a reasonably spacious backseat with the possibility of a 3-across...
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    Question new seat(s) post-crash?

    Do NHTSA's criteria for post-crash replacement also apply to booster seats, or just harnessed seats? My daughters were in a Britax Marathon (RF) and a Bubble Bum backless booster on Thursday when our rental car was rear-ended. No injuries, thankfully, but the police said the vehicle wasn't...
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    Question Irritated by safety warning on carseat

    My daughter is 2 and has recently started complaining about the sewn-on safety label on the carseat's seatback. She says it itches or bothers her, or variations on that theme. Sometimes it makes her very reluctant to get into the carseat. We're hoping that this blows over in a few days and...
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    Question IIHS Small Overlap / Mazda 5 data

    Two quick questions for those of you who follow safety testing and ratings: 1. To what extent would a Marginal or Poor rating on IIHS' new Small Overlap test lead you to disqualify a particular vehicle from consideration for your family? I'm looking at a few models that are listed as Top...
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    New study on CRS use

    I apologize if this has already been posted, but NHTSA recently released a study on carseat and booster seat usage. The primary focus is on children 4 to 7 years of age but covers the whole span. It is based on a rigorous sampling methodology and includes comparisons against an earlier 2009...
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    Car advice for family of 4

    I've just started researching new cars and would love to hear any experiences or opinions (good, bad, or indifferent) on the Toyota Prius V, VW Jetta Sportwagen, Ford C-Max, and Subaru Impreza wagon (or Outback) -- both from a Child Passenger Safety perspective and overall utility/value. In...
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    Question Booster riders buckling themselves?

    When I read reviews of cars or booster seats, there is often a mention of whether booster riders can easily buckle themselves in or not (e.g. floppy buckles, tight spaces, etc.). From a safety culture perpsective, is it considered important for booster riders to be able to buckle themselves in...
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    Question Do kids ever NEED a backless booster instead of highback?

    We're potentially in the market for a booster seat soon, and have been looking at some models that can convert to a no-back booster later on, versus a few that are highback only (e.g. Recaro, Kiddy). I'm a little embarrassed that I don't know the answer to this very basic question, but here...
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    Question Combination Seat or Time for a Booster?

    I posted earlier about my daughter outgrowing the Radian. Diono will be sending me a longer crotch strap (for free) which should buy us some time. Thank you to those who advised me on that. Her shoulders are a hair's breadth under the headwings, and everyone seems to agree that the Radian will...
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    Question Outgrowing the Radian?

    I'm finding it harder and harder to buckle my daughter (just shy of 5 yrs., around 48 lbs.) into her Radian XTSL. In particular, no matter how much she scoots her bum backward into the seat, the buckle is still very close to her thighs/groin and it's just very difficult to clip her in. I did...
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    New legislation

    I saw in the federal transportation bill that passed over the summer (MAP-21) that there are some CPS-related provisions. Does anyone know more about these? Some of them are self-explanatory but others are a little vague as to the motivation and intention. - Section 31501 instructs NHTSA to...
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    Question Trouble getting used to a new Marathon

    We just bought a new Marathon (70 G3) to replace a Roundabout that will be reaching its expiration date soon. Installation was easy, but now looking at the seat, I feel like a total rookie all over again and have some questions... maybe even dumb questions... but figured it was worth asking...
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    New FAA website on child safety

    This is just FYI for anyone interested -- the FAA is promoting a "new" website on child safety: This actually something more like a "newly re-designed" site, as most or all of the information was already available, but it's nice to have everything in...
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    Question Canadian regulations

    We'll be in Ontario briefly next month just wanted to make sure we'd be in compliance with your regulations. Is the Bubble Bum approved for use in Canada? Our documentation mentions FMVSS, but not CMVSS, and the company's website doesn't seem to have Canadian information. It seems like...
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    LATCH weight limits

    I was browsing this forum and saw that Honda vehicles apparently have a 40-pound limit for LATCH intallations? (I have to re-check my manual but don't remember seeing a specific weight limit.) If so, does that mean I need to un-do the LATCH connection for our Radian XTSL and re-install with...
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    Air France experience

    This forum is primarily about choosing the right seat and installing it correctly, but sometimes questions come up about non-US airlines and their carseat policies. Air France has sometimes been mentioned as a particular "offender" in terms of being difficult to work with. So I thought I would...

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