Search results

  1. 3plus2isme

    Did Peg Perego "extend" expiry date?

    Not sure if I'm just completely out of the loop or not but a mama on a local buy sell is trying to tell me that retroactively extended their Peg Perego SIP seats. I searched on Transport Canada, Health Canada & the Peg Perego site and all still list 5 years. This lady says she "called the...
  2. 3plus2isme

    Ashley Floral marathon first manufactured?

    Does anyone have an idea when the Ashley Floral cover was first manufactured? There's someone at our school that's selling her marathon but the kids have picked off the manufacture date sticker. She has no idea if this one was bought for DD1 or DD2... She thinks it was bought in 2008 but...
  3. 3plus2isme

    BOB revolution or Baby Jogger City Select?

    If you had to pick between the 2.. which would you pick and why? I have a Rev and LOVE it.. but I'm feeling the itch to get a new stroller. DD is 16m and I've already owned a BOB Rev and sold it, bugaboo cam and sold it, bought the pink BOB Rev and still have it. DH says I'm just a stroller...
  4. 3plus2isme

    Any stroller.. which would you pick?

    I just sold my beloved Bugaboo.. sigh.. I like change too much! :) I'm in Canada and trying to find what to get next.. I don't want an umbrella (or the like... ex.. maclaren quest, etc.. I already have a volo.) I'm not quite sure if I want a jogger or a P3.. Anyone know of any wicked...
  5. 3plus2isme

    sunshine kids contact info?

    I don't know if I'm just completely blind but I can't find a # for Sunshine Kids on their website. I NEED to get a longer crotch strap for younger DS ... he freaks out that I'm pinching his "you know what" every time I try to buckle him into his 65... Yet if I put him in older DS's XT (with a...
  6. 3plus2isme

    Nautilus & Explorer

    Any tips? We haven't tried it yet. My friend is trying to decide between the Frontier & the Nauti... We got the Frontier in her truck rock solid with latch - didn't try seat belt because I realllly wasn't up for that battle today with the belly lol She's trying to see what will be better in...
  7. 3plus2isme

    lands end car seat cover on a SS1?

    I can't see it IRL and it says it fits a 20lb seat :rolleyes: Does anyone know if it'll fit on a safeseat??? :) TIA!
  8. 3plus2isme

    Cheapest Radian (Canadian)

    Anyone know where I can find the cheapest radian right now? I really don't care if it's a 65, Premier or XT. I "think" TJs is actually the cheapest ($199.99) for the Premier and then $22 to ship to me :rolleyes: but I wonder what their manufacture date is... I think I'm going to try calling...
  9. 3plus2isme

    highest harness height?

    Insurance is buying us new seats and I'm taking advantage of DS hopefully getting a new seat that can harness him for hopefully longer. He has a bit of growing room in the radian (installed) but we were hoping to go for the frontier or CA and we tried them at TRU today (uninstalled) and he...
  10. 3plus2isme

    radian - can a premier cover fit a 65?

    I guess the title says it all ;) Thanks in advance!
  11. 3plus2isme

    Frontier & civics question(s)

    We were in an accident on Saturday and thankfully everyone (including baby) is okay. Time to replace seats, though! Both had 2006 DOMs so it's kind of nice getting newer ones :P We're replacing a radian and a marathon. The kids stats are in my siggy. I'm honestly thinking of getting both...
  12. 3plus2isme

    Parkway SG

    We got the call that it was in today and just went to pick it up. Older DS is still at school so he hasn't tried it out but I LOVE it!! :love: Younger DS is all confused because there isn't a harness LOL... "Mama, where's the straps to hold him back?!" :p
  13. 3plus2isme

    RF radian in civic

    I have no idea where the boots are for our radians so I thought I'd ask here (I tried a search but my mind got dizzy reading all the threads!) instead of heading to a store to check... Can a radian fit RFing in a 2007 civic (4 door)?? Baby girl will be at leat 10-12 months before she's out of...
  14. 3plus2isme

    SS1 handle while in the vehicle

    Can the handle stay up while driving? I'm sure I've read the answer to this before but could someone quickly refresh my memory? Thanks!
  15. 3plus2isme

    What to do with a 48lb 5.5 year old

    So all our seats are rated to 48 lbs.. DS is a smidge under that (well some days he's a pound or 2 under lol) ... I go back & forth about buying a new seat for him... but then think does a grade 1er really need a new seat? I had planned on harnessing him until at least 6 but looks like...
  16. 3plus2isme

    2 infant seat questions!

    Sorry I know it's been posted a thousand times before but I've tried searching and just can't find it! How much longer is the Safeseat than the PP SIP? We were given a PP as a baby gift but I had my heart set on a safeseat but now I'm wondering if it'll find in the backseat of my civic and...
  17. 3plus2isme

    Stroller Opinions needs ;)

    Hi everyone! I've been a lurker for far too long and finally got registered. I'm debating between a bugaboo frog, PP P3 & Bob Revolution... I've owned the P3 & revolution before with my other sons and loved them but our surprise baby#3 is on it's way and we only have a volo sitting at home now...

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