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  1. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Target Trade-in event-April 17-30, old seats will be recycled!

    Not sure if this has already been posted elsewhere so just in case ... someone from our parents of multiples club posted this and thought I'd pass it along: Target's Car-seat Trade-In Event
  2. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    best places for discount 1-day Disney tix?

    DD2 is going on a 5-day SoCal trip with her friend's church's (small) High School group that will combine some volunteer/charitable work and 1 day at Disneyland on June 15. The church has asked that the parents purchase their kids' Disney tix separately (maybe b/c there aren't enough of them to...
  3. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    what's wrong with this picture?

    was flipping through the latest magazine from Multiples of America, the national parents of multiples club, and nearly lost my lunch when I saw the photo they have accompanying an article on car safety. I've started composing a letter and would like input from the collective CSO brain because...
  4. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    anyone need a top tether anchor for a pre-LATCH Honda?

    We're finally re-homing our 1997 Honda Civic sedan and since the new owners don't have kids, thought I'd see if anyone here needs the top tether anchor bolt assembly that has been sitting unoccupied since D outgrew the small RSTV a couple years ago. PM me if interested, I haven't been checking...
  5. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    BubbleBum expiry?

    Is it still 4 years from DOM? Couldn't find the info on their web site. Thanks!
  6. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    OK to lock the shoulder belt with an RSTV?

    OK, kinda silly question but wanted to check. Since I had reviewed the RSTV on Amazon years ago, they forwarded me a question from someone who was using the vest to drive a neighbor child and wondered what she could do to prevent the child from leaning forward b/c said child had leaned forward...
  7. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    '97 Civic tether anchor weight limit

    Title says it all :). Just got my 86-Y harness and can't find the factory tether anchor weight limit in my owner's manual & wanted to find out if I can install with the Honda tether anchor that's already there or if I need to install the EZ On one. Thanks! (BTW DD2, who will be using this when...
  8. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    86Y or large RSTV for petite 10YO in '97 Civic

    So with MIL staying with us (health reasons, another story) we needed to use the RSTV for DD2 in the rear-center spot of our '97 Civic whenever our family of 4 + MIL goes out. I had been putting off buying a large RSTV b/c for the past few years we've been figuring we'd be replacing the Civic...
  9. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    If you met a carseat geek who had been stranded on a desert island for the past year or two...

    .... what seats would you tell him/her about? I haven't kept up with much car seat news since the Maestro and BubbleBum came out and since I haven't checked in here regularly for the past year or so, I'm seeing unfamiliar seat names (although the Foonf is not unfamiliar - once you hear the name...
  10. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Good travel seats for 5YO/47 lb twins?

    A mom posted a q on our multiples club forum - traveling from CA to East Coast in June and would like some safe but lighter/less bulky options for her 5YO/47 lb. twins than their MA's. I replied with a link to Carseatblog's Airplanes, Car Seats, and Kids article and mentioned the RSTV as one...
  11. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    BubbleBum users- how do you/your LOs like them?

    DDs will have 7 field trips this year in 4th grade. Now that I'm working P/T at their school, I probably won't be driving for many of their field trips. DD1 is getting closer and closer to my height and her legs are practically as long as mine, and I'm almost afraid to do the 5-step test for...
  12. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Target clearance girls jeans $2.48

    Don't know if it's all Targets, but the one in Walnut Creek had boatloads of Circo Girls Denim jeans (straight leg and bootcut, various shades of blue) clearanced for 75% off ($2.48/pair:2thumbsup:) This was a perfect opportunity for me b/c DD1 had another long-legged growth spurt and her size...
  13. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    closest thing to a Sapphire original Parkway?

    DD2:love:s her sapphire original Parkway, esp. if we're on long drives or afternoon drives where she tends to nod off. It expires in October 2011:(. Of course, back when I first bought it I didn't expect I'd need another booster by the time it expired but unless she hits a major torso growth...
  14. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Hanna Andersen leggings at costco

    Pack of two for $14.99 - all solid colors. Ones I saw at my local Costco were 1 pink/1 black (got for DD1), 1 light blue/1 black (got for DD2), 1 purple/1 brown, 1 navy/1 green, sizes from 2T to 8.
  15. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    stop the presses - EH sighting at DDs school!

    I was picking up DD's this afternoon - had parked and walked across the lot to get them. As we were pulling out, saw a mom with 2 kids getting in to a Prius that I could see through its rear window had two top-tethered Zebra Print MA's. This was early-bird pickup for 1st-3rd graders so these...
  16. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    local police dep't gets carseat geek seal of approval

    Sometimes the law *does* catch up with drivers transporting unrestrained kids. From a local paper police blotter: No seat belts, 9/02/10 Police pulled over a 48-year-old Moraga resident with six children in the bed of a pick up truck, along with three children in the front seat not wearing...
  17. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Girls holiday dresses $19 at Costco

    Can't remember who was looking for holiday dresses for their DDs to use for bridesmaid dresses, but when I was at Costco last Saturday I saw that they're in stock now - velvety bodice (mostly black), some long sleeve, some short or 3/4 sleeve, and the satiny sort of skirt, pretty sure the price...
  18. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    disappointing trip to BRU

    So I have an expired 2002 Cosco backless booster and thought I'd bring it to the BRU trade-in, thinking I'd pick up the Harmony backless for DDs to try out (esp. after seeing it online in pink). Alas, the only backless boosters they had were $24 Turbos. So, unless the other BRU within...
  19. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    WWYD - friend's 4.5YO in expired seat

    Recently had a visit with some good friends and when they were packing up to go, discovered that their little DD (4.5YO, am bad at guesstimating weight but would venture that she's around 35 lb. Seems like the type of kid who would stay seated if told) is still using the RA we gave them a...
  20. Thanksgiving_Twins_Mom

    Best use of a CrappySport

    So we had a nice visit with DDs' favorite little 6YO 35 lb. cousin and her parents for the past 4 days. This is the cousin we handed down DD1's CarGo to last year b/c she was riding in a CrappySport that she was, of course, too tall for. They subsequently bought her a nautilus for each of...

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