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  1. aeormsby

    40% off Britax @ Amazon today Looks like Marathons, Boulevards & B-safe.
  2. aeormsby


    Anyone want to give me their input? DD is turning 11 next week, approx 80lbs and 4'-8.5". I had been telling her she could ditch the booster in our SUV on her birthday because she really did 5-step, and then we traded in for a new (used) vehicle two weeks ago. Old vehicle was a Saturn...
  3. aeormsby

    Checking interest...

    I have some covers to get rid of and I just wanted to see if anyone was interested before I just toss them... Parkway SGL cover - this is the original Parkway SGL, it's expiring this month. It's the dark pink color, bottom is dingy. FFS Recaro Vivo cover - seat is expiring this month. Not...
  4. aeormsby

    BubbleBum on Wootkids 9-20-15

    Just saw that the Bubblebum is on Woot today for $20. Too bad we don't need another one, my kids don't love the one that we have, but it's great for a tight spot and traveling!
  5. aeormsby

    Incognito - squished in suitcase?

    So I got an Incognito for DD last week. Mainly as back up and for her to use when we travel instead of the BB (she's 9.5yo, 65lb and maybe 52"?). Anyway, the Incognito was a little bigger than I thought it would be. I was planning on putting it in my carry on rolling suitcase so we just have...
  6. aeormsby

    Another Caravan/T&C 3rd row booster question...

    Planning ahead to when the kids & I visit my parents this summer. I'll be renting a car but if we end up doing any longer drives it will probably be in their van. So kids will be 9.5yo & 7.5yo, we usually travel with a Bubblebum & Literider (could do 2 literiders but I'd rather not). If we...
  7. aeormsby

    rf'ing tether in Outlook??

    First photo is the performance booster, it's on setting 9 of 11 (DS uses setting 7). Second is the backless PWSGL.
  8. aeormsby

    Shocked at (good) belt fit

    Yesterday when I was playing with boosters in the 3rd row of our Saturn I had DD (8.5yo, about 60lb and 51" tall) try out the belt without a booster. I knew it was a smaller back seat but was shocked: In the 2nd picture she had her finger on her hip bone. Her feet were flat on the floor...
  9. aeormsby

    What to use for family trip?

    So we're taking a long weekend road trip with my parents in a few weeks. We've done this before with DH's parents (6 of us in our Saturn Outlook) but the kids were still harnessed then so I'm trying to figure out the best set-up for my booster kids :) The kids will be in the 3rd row. This...
  10. aeormsby

    Question Bubble Bum shoulder strap

    So our Bubble Bum came yesterday. We're going to try it out this weekend and see if DD thinks it's comfy before our trip in a couple of weeks. It shows/labels the shoulder belt clip strap in several spots but I can't find where it says how to attach it to the booster and use it. Has anyone...
  11. aeormsby

    Have we seen these yet? KidsEmbrace NBB

    I just saw these on Facebook. DS loves the batman one. Has anyone seen them in real life or tried them yet? Curious about the belt fit, the shape looks kind of similar to the Literiders.
  12. aeormsby

    Bubble Bum & comfort

    I think we'll be getting a bubble bum for (another) extra booster. For travel and for the occasional time we might want to fit 5 people in the Mazda3 when we get it (seems like it will fit in the middle better than my behind ;)). So I was thinking it might be nice to have for the trip we're...
  13. aeormsby

    Checking interest... Safeguard GO & Cares harness

    Bumping - the Safeguard Go is still available, the Cares is sold. Just seeing if there's any interest in a Safeguard GO (I need to check the date, but I think there's a little less than 2 years left before it expires) and a Cares harness (don't think they expire). Let me know if you're...
  14. aeormsby

    Brainstorm with me...

    So not only is DS almost 6 and about ready to transition to boostering full time, we're looking at buying a 3rd vehicle some time this winter. So - current set up is my Saturn: DD boostered in a PWSGL, DS harnessed in a FR85, Truck: DD boostered in a FR80 & DS boostered in a Vivo. We'll be...
  15. aeormsby

    Graco baby sale on Amazon today $48 Affix $140 Nautilus $111-$120 Myride Other non-carseat stuff also.
  16. aeormsby

    Snap Circuits on Woot

    I know I've seen these mentioned quite a bit here so I got one to put away for the kids for Christmas.
  17. aeormsby

    Met a carseat lovin' mama yesterday :)

    I drove to pick DD up from school yesterday because we needed to run errands after (we usually bike). And after walking back to the car parked on the street I buckled the kids and had just started up the car when another mom was walking past. She said she had to comment (and said she knew it...
  18. aeormsby

    Compass booster on Woot today - $45

    Didn't see this posted yet... ETA - the quote in the email was too funny not to share: 'Safety is SO dumb. Except when...
  19. aeormsby

    When would you stop using the SG?

    Just wondering when people would stop using the SG clip on a Parkway or Frontier (if you got one to use with the booster)? DD has only been using the seat full time for a month or so (she turned 6 in January). It's on there now and I don't plan on taking it off until I need to wash the cover...
  20. aeormsby

    For Sale Classic Marathon cover sets & adjuster strap

    I have 3 cover sets for the classic Marathons (or Roundabout 50's I believe) All covers have sales pending, I'll update (or PM those who have contacted me) if anything falls through. $25 each, price includes priority shipping They are all in very good used condition. Elastic is great on all...

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