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  1. O

    Which FF seat to choose?

    I would like your opinions on which forward facing seat to get for my DD. I was thinking of the SecureKid but not sure if something else would be better so I thought I'd come to the experts! ;) We drive a Camry and have two kids: DD is almost 3y5m old, weighs between 41 and 42 lbs on our home...
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    Please help figure out Radian and SureRide puzzle

    We have baby #2 coming in the next few weeks and DD#1 has just turned 3 and is about 40 lbs and around 39-40" tall (long legs). She is currently riding RF in a Radian in our car and just recently FF in a SureRide in my mom's car (very occasionally). Up until now my plan was to use the Radian...
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    Need a bigger inexpensive travel seat

    Hi everyone! My DD has just about outgrown our backup/travel seat which is a Cosco Scenera. She's hitting 40 lbs with a height of 38" and she will be 3 in March. Our primary seat is a Radian and she is still rear facing in that, but it is way too heavy to lug around airports and on trips. The...
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    Help with choosing carseat for trip!

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, have done some reading in the past when deciding on a carseat for DD but only now registered to ask for your advice. DH, DD and I are flying to Poland next week (eek!). Some info about DD in case it helps: she's 6.5 months old, weighs around 21 lbs or so, not...

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