Search results

  1. N

    '11 Lincoln MKX rear headrests?

    While it says in the owners manual that the rear headrests in the '11 MKX are removable, they don't actually seem to be removable. Manual indicates there are two buttons one on each side, for to adjust, one to release/remove. However, there is in fact only one button to adjust the height...
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    Shopping for latchable booster, unavail. locally

    Hi ladies! I'm doing a major car-seat shuffle and am seaking opinions on latchable boosters as I don't see any that I can look at locally. We do have a Turbo Booster that we've used occasionally as a "spare" seat but otherwise I have no experience whatsoever with booster seats. My 6.5yo...
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    Amsterdam, Copenhagen & Norway restraints?

    Cruising next summer from Amsterdam to UK & Norway, then to Copenhagen. No idea yet when or where we'd need a child restraint. I do know we'll be doing a lot of walking with our luggage in tow, likely a mile or more on several occasions. We normally travel with a Radian, but I am thinking...
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    Where can I find straps for an older Radian?

    The Sunshine Kids website says the replacement straps they sell are for Radians made before September 08. My Radian 80 has a DOM of 07/2008. One of my straps is starting to fray near the buckle strap. Are straps available for the pre 9/2008 Radians? Will the straps for the "new" Radians...
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    Buick Enclave 2nd row captains chairs

    Trying to find a solution for my mother's Buick Enclave, I think it is an '09. Mom has health problems and greatly prefers the girls 2nd row, but the 2nd row captains chairs have fixed forward tilting head rests. Girls are: age 5.0, 45", 40# age 6.5, 47" maybe, not sure on her weight but I'm...
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    Regent, Frontier85 - or another option?

    My dd is 39#, 44" tall not quite 5 yrs old, and is just about to outgrow her marathon by top strap slot height. We have a Regent outboard in my RAV4, and are currently using the MA second row center in a Jeep Commander. So my primary consideration for a harnessed seat is strap slot height...
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    Need to find a good deal on on a tall shell seat ASAP

    My dd is 44" mostly torso, but still only 38# and is not quite 5 yrs old. I'm looking for a good deal on a Radian, Regent or anything else with a tall shell ASAP. She might barely fit in a MA but we recently gave ours away. I was able to buy a Regent for under $200 a few months ago but can't...
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    Nautilus top slots???

    I'm moving the shoulder harness on our Nauti to the top slots. Do the straps just go over the top of the rollers or are they still supposed to go through the plastic guide somehow like they did with the lower slots? If so, how do I feed them through? I'm confused, any clarification would be...
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    ? about Regent short belt path vs. long belt path

    I just received my new Regent today. My daughter is 37#, 43", just outgrew her Boulevard by shoulder height. I've never used a Regent and I'm wondering why the long belt path needs to be used to 40# and then the short belt path needs to be used over 40#. This is my understanding from reading...
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    The price on the Regent keeps dropping and although I don't need a new seat right now, I can't hardly restrain myself from buying a new Regent. If I do want one in the future, I'd like to have the option of having one. Am I crazy to think this? I don't like the cover on the Frontier. While...
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    Questioning state level CPS campaign

    The nice folks in my state government are driving me crazy. There is way too much misinformation about car seat use in my state and much of it is coming directly from the state. In addition to brochures that are printed and distributed promoting our weak state law and not mentioning best...
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    RF Radian '06 RAV4

    I'm sort of embarassed to admit that I've never ever installed a Radian RF. My friend is thinking about buying one, so I'm playing around with mine today and we'll try it in her car on Friday. I drive an '06 RAV4 and the Radian seems really way too loose, about 1/4 to 1/2 movement at the belt...
  13. N

    Radian question

    Sorry, I'm sure this is posted but I can't find the facts, just comments about it. So what is the story with the Radian RF to 40#? Are these available now? Or is this a change that is coming in the future? I share car seats with my best friend, and she is in need of a new seat for her chunky...
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    Recommendations for vechicle for a new teen driver?

    I want a safe car for when my son starts to drive, but I'm extremely concerned about my insurance premiums and also I feel that the odds are good he'll be in a fender bender in the first 12-18 months he starts to drive on his own. So it is a balance between protecting his safety and protecting...
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    Recommendation for 18mo old please

    I'm requesting recommendations for my friend's RF 18 month old. They need 1 car seat immediately. Child is 27# 10 oz, maybe 32" not certain on the height, I could remeasure tomorrow. They currently have a Marathon that expires next week, and 2 Roundabouts, 1 expires in about a year, the other...
  16. N

    Twisted latch strap - latch clips facing opposite

    Suggestions needed for a twisted strap! Somehow I twisted my latch strap when I was installing my Radian, got it untwisted with great effort THEN realized one clip was upside down, the other is right side up. I'm trying to get it flipped but I feel like I have no strength left in my hands...
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    Question about the Car Seat Swap

    sorry, I don't know where to post this and I'm super confused. I can't use the carseat swap, I'm not a senior community member. How do I get to be a senior community member? What is a reputation point? I only want to do a price check for a MA Mariposa with a 3/07 DOM! Since I can't...
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    RSTV help please

    My dd is turning 4 this week, 42" and just 35# in pj's first thing in the mornings, once in awhile I still get 34.5# but mostly it reads 35# now. We are planning to take the RSTV in addition to our Radian for an upcoming Alaska cruise, leaving in just over a week. I finally tried the RSTV in...
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    Limo/towncar question

    We are taking a southbound cruise and I'm looking into a limo/towncar for transportation from the pier in Vancouver to the airport, about a 45 minute ride. We do have the option of taking the cruiseline busses but the towncar is faster as well as cheaper. Currently, I am planning to take my...
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    replace booster after minor accident?

    My sister was rear ended, I don't think it was very severe. Her daughter was in the car riding in a Compass booster, the one that folds (not sure if they have other models). Does the booster need to be replaced/destroyed? ETA: I just installed a new Frontier in her vehicle that I had actually...

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