Search results

  1. J

    Sunshine Kids Diono Radian XTSL Flora price?

    Can someone help me with what I could sell a Sunshine Kids (now Diono) Radian XTSL for locally. Its in great condition. Accident free of course. no issues except light wear on the cover (just washed - air drying currently). I have new memory foam coming also. Mfg date of 4/10, and it expires 8...
  2. J

    recommendations for 7 yr old

    Looking for recommendations for my 7 year old daughter. She is 47.9 inches tall and weighs 43lbs. She is a string bean. Currently is in a Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL. Either looking to get a seat she can stay harnessed in with booster option, or a high-back booster. Vehicle is 04 Honda Odyssey...
  3. J

    Question Will this fit?

    For time being we have carseats in 2006 Toyota Camry. I have DD in a Radian XTSL RFing behind the passenger seat atm, she is 3.5yr old, 30lb, & 38". DS2 is in a Chicco Keyfit 30 - behind the drivers seat. He is 15mo, 19lb, & 29". DS1 uses seat belt in middle back seat. He is 11.5yr old, 80lbs...
  4. J

    Question Hey - New here! Few questions for you!

    Hey! Can't believe I have never been on this site. :o What a great community! :love: So I have a few questions - currently - we have a toyota camry with the car seats in them. Plans to get a van of some sort (honda more than likely - unless you mama's have some advice on vans to :whistle:) DD...

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