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  1. C

    Booster for small kindergartener?

    My daughter is 5 years, 8 months, and going into Kindergarten this fall. She's very small for her age - about 41", 35 lbs. I know she is under the recommended 40 lbs for most boosters, and she is harnessed in our cars and I'm not planning on changing that. My question is, with her going into...
  2. C

    15 month old unbuckling chest clip

    Help! My 15 month old has figured out how to undo his chest clip. He is in a Graco My Ride. Now that he has figured it out he does it over and over. We have tried telling him no and we stop and rebuckle everytime he does it (which makes trips take forever). We also tried a piece of duct tape to...
  3. C

    Moving straps up?

    My son is RF in an Evenflo Tribute. He is 7 months old, around 20 lbs, and not sure about height but he was 28" at 6 months. I have the straps on the lowest slot. When I put him in his seat, his shoulders appear to be even with the second from the lowest slot but when I actually tighten him in...
  4. C

    Recommended carseats for a 5 month old?

    I'm hoping you all can help me select a car seat because I have no idea what is best. My daughter is 5 months old and currently in an infant seat, and she hates it. I don't know what features I need in looking at a convertible seat, though. (ie, I've heard Britax is best but only the Roundabout...

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