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  1. C

    CPSafety Website Contact

    Thanks for the help anyway. :) Hopefully someone else here can help. :)
  2. C

    CPSafety Website Contact

    Hi, Does anyone here please know how I can contact the owner of the "CPSafety" website ( I know it's very old now, but I'd like to ask some questions about older child restraints (this forum and that site were the first places I remember learning about...
  3. C

    Ezonpro Vest in Rental Car

    We are a family of four planning our vacation for the summer and are renting a minivan. We’ll be doing a lot of driving but don’t know what to do about our daughter who is in an Ezonpro Vest. Has anyone got any experience using one in a rental car? We have it setup in our cars, but we had a...

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