Search results

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    CPSAC Technician Training - London, ON - April 17-19, 2015

    Are you looking to become certified? London is the place to be. We currently have 3 slots left, so don't delay. For more details or to register:
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    In Search Of Belt Shortening Clip(s)

    Looking for at least 1 (but would love a few). Only place I seem to be able to find them locally wants $30+ for a single.
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    News Dodge Grand Caravans and RFing Tethering

    With required rear facing tethering I contacted Dodge Canada and ask a few questions about what is allowed and not allowed in their vehicles. They provided excellent detailed responses so I thought I would share. The Dodge Grand Caravan is not equipped with anchorages for tethering rear-facing...
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    Minor Collision - Need advice

    So, I was in a minor collision today and now need seat suggestions. Will not be going through insurance most likely as damage to both vehicles is under $500 (other then I have some seats to replace). Stats in signature are fairly up to date. MyRide and TrueFit are crashed. I now have a...
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    Graco Turbobooster with Safety Surround Puzzling Q.

    So, I'm going to need 3 across in my car (2011 Ford Fusion) in around 6 mo time. I happened to notice that they actually had a purple TB with Safety Surround at my local Target. It didn't look any wider off hand, but the arm rests seem fixed, does anyone have any experience with it puzzling...
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    Let's talk (Canadian) boosters

    So, my oldest is 40lbs now. She's a month shy of six, fairly petite but starting to get awfully close to outgrowing the harnesses in her convertible seats. I do not believe that maturity will be an issue. Let's talk boosters. New Parkways? When are they expected out? Have they improved...
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    Training in London, Ontario

    There is a CPSAC Training Course taking place in London, Ontario Oct 13-14. Please contact me for more information.
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    I received an email from Donna at Bubblebum (UK) who let me know that it may be available in Canada in late 2012. I'm super excited :)
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    I'm looking to buy a car within the next 24-48 hours. My Jeep is completely unreliable atm. I have 10-12K CAD to spent, could go higher (but it would require putting it on my LOC). I would like it to be no older then 2007 and with under 100,000km on it. This will be our second vehicle. I...
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    Sunshine Kids RadianXT - Eclipse for $280.49

    Happened to be snooping around and noticed this: Looks like the sale is over end of day today...:)
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    Graco Nautilus - Breakers

    Graco Nautilus - Breakers is on sale at TRU (199.99). I really REALLY would like to get my DD1 out of the MA and into something else. She's not a big girl (still on the 2nd from top slot on the MA), but it's getting tight in the...

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Jennifer The Carseatlove

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