Search results

  1. zeo2ski

    What are the tallest boosters now?

    Hmmm actually I think it's not the frontier 85, it's the next one that came out after that, I think 80 lb limit.
  2. zeo2ski

    What are the tallest boosters now?

    And maybe harnessed. I need something that doesn't require vehicle head support. I have a Britax Skyline that works, but when I checked it looks like they no longer make it. Or I could use the skyline for that child (10) and get something else to harness my 6 year old, but he's AT the limit...
  3. zeo2ski

    Top tether anchor

    Hey if that's true that they are no longer available, I believe I still have one--we had '98 and '96 suburbans until a couple years ago and got the retrofit tether in maybe 2009-2011ish from the dealer. I'll mail it to you
  4. zeo2ski

    Pic comparison of tall HBBs

    Britax Skyline, Frontier CT, Frontier 85, and Kiddy Cruiser 3. All at highest setting, model is 4'9" nine year old. These are HBBs that do not require vehicle head support. (The Evenflo Spectrum would also be a contender, but I don't have one to compare) Skyline FR CT FR 85 Kiddy 3
  5. zeo2ski

    Pioneer vs. Frontier CT height

    Is the *current* Pioneer just as tall as the FR in harness and booster modes? 23" for booster?
  6. zeo2ski

    Preemie convertible, and booster recs please

    Details below. I need a convertible for small newborn/late term preemie, and a HBB that doesn't require vehicle head support and is very tall. 7 kids, have 6 seats currently that may all work and just buy one more. The carseat shuffle is coming up, but this time it's in a new vehicle, with...
  7. zeo2ski

    Forward of the bight with boosters?

    Are there manufacturers/models that disallow or are they categorically one way or the other? The likely belts (we have not purchased the vehicle yet) are fwd of the bight on the belt side, not the buckle side. Coming from the ceiling l/s that can remove from the seat--you know, those ones that...
  8. zeo2ski

    Tether extender for Britax

    Any chance Britax has/allows a top tether extender? I thought there was no such thing but then I searched here and saw threads about the Evenflos from a few years ago. I thought putting a Frontier Click Tight in the same spot my 85 has been would be no problem, but the top tether strap is too...
  9. zeo2ski

    Expiry on FR85? and height limits

    Is it a 9 year expiration on the entire seat, including the harness? This is a DOM 2/2013 if that matters. I'm trying to figure out what to get to replace a different expiring seat and am charting out the next few years of kids and seats. I had never thought about this FR before, since it...
  10. zeo2ski

    Anything RF past 50 lbs?

    Just confirming because I don't keep up on what's new these days. Forward facing is s royal pain (due to limited top tether location) in my full-of-carseats suburban.
  11. zeo2ski

    Backless booster withOUT side curtain airbags

    I need to do a couple seat switches, and I have two options. First, just buy a new Frontier which will solve both kids' issues right now AND help with a very likely issue in the near future (namely, big van without headrests). Second option costs $0 but steps two kids down in safety. Problem...
  12. zeo2ski

    Is FR85 really the tallest booster still?

    I see top belt guide at 23-23.5" for the FR85, 22-23" for the FR90. They list Parkway SG/SGL and Cambria as 21.5", both with standing height of 63" (FR85 is 65", FR90 62"), but the diono requires vehicle head support. I actually bought the FR85 a few years ago instead of the 90 with the intent...
  13. zeo2ski

    What's this? Safety 1st Ultramax

    I was looking for the 50 lb RF Safety 1st seat, I thought it was the something SLE+ ish-type name...I found Advance 65 SE+ which RF to 40 lbs, then the Ultramax and Grow and Go EX which both say 50 lbs. So obviously I'm way behind. But I did a quick search here and google and see no reviews...
  14. zeo2ski

    non-locking seat belts in conversion van

    We're considering this van. It's too far away for me to go look at it; if we pursue it DH will go to check the mechanical stuff, but he doesn't usually do carseat installs. In the pictures I had concerns about the ridge on the fronts of the...
  15. zeo2ski

    Newborn tethering--yay or nay?

    The recent blog post about tethering didn't specifically mention anything about newborns either way, which made me think they are to be considered the same as any other RFing child. Specifically I'm wondering about my upcoming arrival, expected some time in the next month. He'll be in a...
  16. zeo2ski 25% off

    For September, certain brands are 25% off including many recommended carseats. Some are automatically listed at the sale price, some you need to enter the code SAVETEMBER. Britax, Chicco, some Graco, and more. Some others offer other incentives like $25 or 50 off your next purchase, etc.
  17. zeo2ski

    Does Foonf RF puzzle with FR85?

    Surely someone has tried this, but search is not helping me. It seems like it might, being so high up and the base so narrow, but does the foot area then hit the wide section of the FR back?
  18. zeo2ski

    What 3 puzzle REALL well together?

    I have 47 inches hip room between the wheel wells in the third row (1998 suburban) and need to fit three kids back there with one being a FF Frontier or maybe sureride. TAs only in third row so FFer has to go there or be untethered in 2nd row, or booster but that,d put us at three boosters so...
  19. zeo2ski

    Debating...which would you put newbie in?

    Baby is due mid December, my SR22 expires end of December, but would make it through first two weeks of Dr appts, which is all we'll leave home for anyway. CCO expires in May. I'm not a fan of the way the newborn fit *looks* in this, but love it for older infants. My other kids have outgrown...

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