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  • Hi Wendy - do you think that I could have access to this forum as well as the CPST FB group. I'm really enjoying all of the questions that come up there and I've heard that there is more information on this site that I'd like to take advantage of. I'm happy to send you my tech card again.


    Sarah Kaplan
    Hello! I have seen you on a lot of the posts on here so I figured I would ask for your help! I have a Volvo sc9 and an s40.. Do you happen to know if the Complete air 70 will fit? I am having such a hard time finding a car-seat that will fit both and be comfortable long term for my tall and heavy 9 1/2 month old girl. At around 7 months she was 19 lbs 10 oz and 28 inches tall, and I know she is a lot bigger now. If you think it wouldn't fit, do you have any advice for what else may work? Thank you so much!!

    I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of the work that you put into this website and more broadly in promoting transportation safety for children. I only learned of these forums when starting to research an overseas trip, and you very helpfully replied to my specific questions. Since then I've been reading the forums and feel that I've learned a lot about carseats. The online community here is lucky to have your expertise. Thanks!
    Hi Wendy-
    Thanks for all of your TF related assistance lately. I just noticed in your siggy that our girls are the same age. Dahlia was born 11/21. I wanted to ask you where the best place in Seattle is to get my seats and installs checked out. Fire station? Somewhere else?

    I love the name Laine, by the way. It was on our list if we were having a girl the second time around. Now we are totally stumped for boy's names.

    Thanks again!
    Hi there- I'm fairly new to this site. Have some covers to sell (our van was rear-ended so we replaced the seats and saved the covers)...since i'm not selling an actual seat, is there a place I can list the covers for sale on here?
    oooooh. Ok. I totally understand. Yeah I do 99% of my car seat talk on cafemom where I'm an admin for the car seat safety group. Looks like I need to be more active on here for incase my seat doesn't sell on CL. :) Thanks!
    I just had to tell you that the picture of Laine in your signature is adorable. She's so cute. :)
    Hi, I'm trying to post my Radian 80SL for sale and it won't allow me to post for some reason. I've been a member for awhile now, but I don't post or reply that often. Can you help me?
    Hi Wendy: You helped me with my first question about choosing a carseat. Thank you! It is a few weeks later and I am about eyeballs deep in research and have narrowed it down to two: The First Years True Fit Premier C670 vs. Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL. I guess I should also say that Britax Boulevard 70 is also in the ring somewhere. My DD is 11 months, 23lbs (90th %ile), approx. 33" tall. We have a 2009 Subaru Outback. I tried out the BV in the car a couple of days ago. I liked it, but I am impressed by the other two even more because of safety ratings. Unfortunately, have no place near me that I can try them out ahead of time. I would greatly appreciate any guidance. Best Regards, Christine
    Hi Wendy,
    Do you know anywhere in the Seattle area when out of date carseats can be recycled, rather than go to a landfill?

    I'm a fairly new tech to this site and I haven't posted much. My other carseat groups are posting about the Doctors tv show today who did an episode in which they did not mention ERF instead talked about how exciting it is when kids turn one so they can be turned around in the car seat. The other groups have posted links to the facebook page to leave comments as well as facts about ERF. I wasn't sure if that would be permitted here or where to post it.

    I was wondering if you can let me know or just make the post yourself.
    here is the facebook link

    and their other page

    Thank you
    We are in Windermere, do you know where that is? It's right past Children's hospital on Sandpoint. Maybe we can get together for a playdate! I've been wanting to meet that little Laine of yours! Congratulations, she's beautiful!
    hey Wendy, whereabouts in Seattle are you? I saw you just moved! Welcome!
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