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  • Hi! I drive a Yukon XL and was looking for infant seat options in the 3rd row. We have the bench seat, so I was hoping to put the infant seat on the passenger side. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
    I found a response you wrote on an old post about Recaro ProSport and ProRide. I'm wondering whether the ProSport puzzles with the ProRide when the ProRide is rear facing? I am looking for seats for my 3.5 year old and 1 year old and was really impressed with a friend's ProRide. Normally, both kids will be outboard, but I'd like the option of putting the seats right next to each other so a third passenger can sit in the back seat of our 2010 VW Tiguan. Any thoughts on whether these two seats fit together would be so helpful! Thanks.
    Hi! Saw u were a pro at 3 across in the MDX. I need some advice, please!

    Have a 5.5 in Recaro Prosport. My 3.5 will be getting her Recaro Prosport this week. When #3 arrives, would like to use a Chicco KeyFit 30. Do u think it would fit? If not, do umm have a suggestion as to,what would work,with 2 Recaros? I love those seats and the Chicco. Really want to stay 3 across and not use third row.

    Thx bunches!
    I just read some of your thread talk about the MDX. You said you were considering the Lexus GX. If I may, did you end up getting it? I have just had my third baby and need to have a car with a third row. I was considering the MDX and the GX, oh and maybe a Veracruz.
    Thanks in advance.
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