
Shopaholic... especially when it comes to baby gear! Decorating,scrapbooking, anything outside
Knoxville, TN
Tyler (DH)
Addison 3 yrs
Brylee 1 yr
Caroline 7 wks
Delaney 7 wks
Car Seats
Britax Advocate
Britax Chaperone in cow :)
Marathon 70
Licorice CCO
Radian 65
2 Cybex aton 2's
Britax FR85
Stay at home mom/wife
Favorite Quote
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying


Nicky- Mommy to Addison Grace 12/10/11
Brylee Harper 12/3/13
Caroline Faith 11/13/14
Delaney Hope 11/13/14


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