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  • Hi there!
    Trying to find out if I can do 3 across in my 2009 rondo...
    Currently own 2radian r120s and 2 Cosco sceneras. Looking to use any combination
    Of two of those with a bucket for the infant. Please let me know what, if any options we have... We have a 4 year old, a 18 month old and are about to have a newborn...
    Thanks a bunch!
    Hi. Do you still have your xc90? We have one kiddo and looking at a 2006. It's a v8 and not the problematic T6. Any advice is appreciated.
    Hey Nicole!
    It's Pam, from this past weekend - just wanted to touch base, say Hello on here, and thanks again for all your hard work this weekend !:)
    Can you please post my contact information on the Canadian Tech contacts. Thanks a bunch!
    LaVonne Ries
    Calgary & Airdrie, Alberta
    There is a thread for canadian techs and instructors to post their contact info. It says I cant reply to it becuase its too old. I would like to put my name and contact info there. How do I do that?
    deanna (sebandtoby)
    Hi...new to this forum. Didn't know how to forward my info for the Cdn/International site, on list of CPST across Canada
    I was just wondering how I post a trade add. I have a Cowmooflage Marathon cover I want to trade for an Onyx cover but am new to this so I can not figure out how to do it. Thank you.
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