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  • Hi-

    Saw all of your helpful posts from last year re 3 across in a CRV (I have a 2008). Hoping you can give me some advice.....

    I have a 40 lb 4yo, FF in a Radian behind the passenger (seatbelt install), and a 24 lb 2yo RF in a BLVD70 behind the driver (LATCH). I need to car pool a 6 yo, and I have a Bubble Bum for that. There's room for the BB in the middle, with the seats as they are, but I worry about her being able to do the seatbelt, given that it's in that funny position on the seat.

    So, I was hoping to get some help before I take all of the seats out to try to come up with something better. Do the BLVD and the Radian puzzle together well enough to put the BLVD RF passenger (LATCH) and the Radian FF middle (seatbelt)? That would be ideal, since my two carpool-line-dropoff kids are the 6yo (would be behind the driver) and 4yo. I also have a Maestro that I could add to the mix. And a low back TurboBooster.

    I would take any advice you have! Thank you!
    2 Foonfs and a Radian did puzzle - not sure about the 2 RFing radians and getting the car seat back enough for my 6'2" husband to drive. I looked at it and the Foonf seemed to give him a bit more room. Thanks!
    Hi - I see you have a Foonf and a Radian. We're trying to do a 3across with extended RFing in a Caliber - do you think they would puzzle together? We need 2 RFing and 1 FFing, and I was thinking that with the high base people complain about in the Foonf, it might work. Thoughts? Thanks!
    Hi there. I see you have a Foonf. I really want to get one for DS who is 13mo, 30 inches, and 22 lbs. Yet, I'm having a hard time getting DH on board. What kind of vehicle do you have yours in? Do they sit really high for you? We're trying to fit 3 across in a 2012 Subaru Legacy with very limited options.
    Hello, I noticed you have both a Radian & a Foonf, could you comment on which one you prefer? Does it seem difficult to load into the Foonf? Which one would actually RF longer height-wise? Do you think it would be difficult or awkward for an older child to RF in one?
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