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  • Hi, I see that you are a tech in the Twin Cities. I am in Vadnais Heights, and I am having issues with a rf radian install in my 2007 Hyundai Entourage. I cannot get it in so that it is not over-reclined by just a little when ds2 sits in it. It is always fine before he is not sitting in it, but his weight pushes it down. I usually go to the techs at the Ramsey County Sheriff's office in Shoreview. They have always been a great help to me, but they are not really familiar with Sunshine Kids products. (When they saw latch anchors on our Monterey, they were looking all around for the harness. I got a kick out of that one.) Are you familiar with installing the Radian? Where are you located? I have to ask just to confirm, but is this a free service? DS2 is only 27 months, so I really hope he can continue to rf in this Radian. His stats are as follows: 38", 33-34 lbs, 14.5-15" shoulder height, 23.5" seated height.


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