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  • I have a GMC envoy ('06) and we are looking for another seat for our 2.5 year old. We have only had the combi coccoro but she has an extremely long torso and tall so is outgrowing it a little sooner than we envisioned. She is 37.5" and 30lbs. I tried a Britax blvd, rn rxt, peg convertible, and Britax frontier out in the car the other day and am still undecided. I'm looking for recommendations since it you've used a LOT of different choices for that vehicle. Still debating btwn combo booster like the frontier that she can use until she's about 6 or to just get a bigger sized convertible that could also be used for future children. In your opinion what is your favorite choice in that vehicle? Once we have two children I will be using the cocorro for baby and will have to organize the two seats in such that I can access the third row bc I nanny for two middle schoolers. thanks for any and all advice. Ps she is FF bc this is just what works best for her so will cOntnue that Thanks
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