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  • W
    Hi--I saw in a thread that you had replaced you Chicco Keyfit shell since the stickers were coming off. How did you go about doing that? What was the charge? Thanks!
    Hi! Allison here. Have a question for you regarding your photo at http://www.car-seat.org/showthread.php?t=56075 of the RF center Radian XTSL installation. Did you use LATCH or seatbelt? I tried seatbelt since the LATCH in my mazda 3 are 1.75" further apart than "allowed" by Sunshine Kids, and couldn't tighten the belt enough because of interference from the base of the restraint. I really want to find a way to make mine work, so I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks ahead of time, Allison
    Hey Heather! I'm trying to find your poll, since I figured it was on this site. Where is it?
    Hi. I was just noticing that the pic in your siggy of your DD in her Radain looks to be very upright. I have been struglging to get my RN upright for my 18 mo DD. I have tried many if the tips I have found on this board...but nothing has worked in my jeep. The seats do not compress much at all. Do you have any pointers?

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