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  • I can check in the morning, it's age height and weight IIR . 29 points is like 1015 to 1160, even when you add fruit it's pretty low calorie. The floor of the ok'd plan was 21 points. I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes a problem, kwim?
    Yep, but the floor is 29 points. So you're pretty close. I would check every 5-10 lbs or so.
    Yep, 49 flex points. Whether you eat them or not is your choice. I eat them some weeks and don't others ( I'm not on plan this week because I am sick, I'm starting back up on Monday) The old points were about 100 calories (or so I was told) so, yeah,
    Oh, and a quick way to check, without fiber each point should be equal to about 35-40 calories.
    I'm about to leave, I'll be in class until about 4ish central time, feel free to PM me whatever you put into the calculator, make sure to include carbs, protien, fiber, and fat (I won't need calories) so I can double check. Oh, and I have no clue how to calculate alcohol to points (the's a way to do it, I just haven't needed to). I'll hopefully be able to get back to you this evening! Have a good day.
    The PP tracker is a dark blue clamshell, it came out at the end of last year I believe. The deluxe member kit comes in a light blue binder thing. In the corner most (or all?) of the materials say "New! Points Plus!"
    If you decide to buy the WW materials I can buy them and mail them to you for cost+shipping if you can't find it for an affordable price on eBay.
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