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  • Hello, I see you collect child seats and gear. Would you happen to have any of the following models?

    Century SmartFit
    Cosco Arriva
    Cosco Touriva
    Cosco Summit Deluxe
    Evenflo RightFit
    Britax Roadster

    I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you!
    I have one very similar to this in very good condition blue vinyl
    Hi Rose! I'm finding that it's very hard to locate older seats. I guess with all the safety campaigns over the years where people turned in older seats for recycling, many of the vintage models have pretty much been decimated.

    As for tips, I regularly do searches on ebay and craigslist by "vintage car seat" or "retro car seat" and occasionally one will pop up for sale. You can also search craigslist using Google and entering the keywords "craigslist" along with the search phrases mentioned above, or even use the manufacturer name along with the words. Older indoor flea markets which have been around for years might also be a good place to look. I've seen your model booster seat in older flea markets before. Those vintage Cosco booster seats like the one you had are hot items on ebay. (con't)

    Hey Dave or BabyGearCollector!! I am a new collector although I always knew I would someday attempt to collect all my fav's. I'm currently looking for the Century Model 4500 Infant Love Seat.... Any tips? I saw my old booster seat in your Montgomery Ward Ad for 1971!! It is the number E in green and we used it for a car seat!!! Hope we can share stories and this is a wonderful site for me and so many Mom's who need advice and a community!! Thanks, Rose 1960-1980's car seat lover!!
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