News Kecia- Some Graco Smart Seat Answers for You (and everyone else, too)!


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I won't have a blog on the launch event for a day or two, but here are a few more teasers from the prototypes just for Kecia- who made sure I asked! Keep in mind that the instructions and dimensions are all subject to change before final production.

1) Must use seatbelt at 48 pounds unless otherwise specified by the vehicle owners manual. (As a side note, it sounds like a few auto manufacturers may begin deferring to the child seat manufacturers for this limit in the near future, rather than give arbitrary 40 or 48 pound fixed guidance).

2) Lifespan: 10 years according to the draft owners manual (I forgot to ask if it will be differentiated by mode of operation like the Nautilus)

3) LATCH installs clearly allowed beyond 11" anchor spacing if allowed by vehicle manufacturer

4) In booster mode, when the base must not be used, there are restrictions similar to the Graco Nautilus. The Smart Seat cannot overhang the vehicle seat cushion or be pushed forward by a vehicle head restraint such that a gap is created between the vehicle seat and the Smart Seat booster. These limitations do not apply to harness mode, when the base must be used. The 80/20 guideline applies to the base for harness mode. Also, the adjustable head support is a few inches forward of the shell so that may help accommodate fixed vehicle head restraints.

Stay tuned to for interior width/depth measurements, crotch slot depth measurements and some technical details, too. I'll also let you know if you can get enough rear-facing recline with the base with a seatbelt install in the middle of the third row in a newer Dodge Grand Caravan (which has a very sloped seat cushion)...


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Super excited. I've long wished the Nautilus would RF, and I'm hoping that's essentially what this will be. I'm very interested in hearing harness heights and weight limits, though I think some of that may have already been discussed and I can't recall it, lol.

On a side note, am I the only person who thinks of the old Century SmartMove when I hear the name of this seat?


Well-known member
On a side note, am I the only person who thinks of the old Century SmartMove when I hear the name of this seat?

I didn't until you said it.

Oddly enough, I was just describing the erm 'lovely' SmartMove to Wiggles on IM last night.

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